Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Importance of Modesty

originally posted April 18, 2012
Ladies, this is nothing new; you’ve all heard that you should be dressing modestly. Tired of hearing this same old message? Start listening to your Father’s and your brothers’ pleas for your bodies to be presented in such a way that declares you serve a God who loves you. Your body is a temple and is to be treated with utmost respect. “You are not your own, for you were bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:19). That price? The blood of Jesus Christ. The argument that we should be able to dress however we wish is selfish, discounts the sovereignty of God over our lives, and is wrapped up in nothing other than pride. Pride that says, “I am my own person and do not have to answer to anyone.” I have found that when looking at the cross, it is very hard to be prideful.

Justin Robinson is very passionate about his sisters in Christ dressing modestly and has even spoken to a group of youth girls at a local church on the topic. Robinson, senior broadcast media, says, “When girls dress immodestly it breaks my heart because deep down, it's broken, empty, selfish motives that rule the way they dress…They dress exactly the same as unbelievers. There is no difference from here to ‘Hollywood.’” Glorifying God with our bodies is a simple response, not an inconvenience, to the grace which God has poured out over us. When you have experienced that love of Christ that has purged you of your depravity, why would you not respond by giving the Lord that which is His? My second appeal is to those of you who say it is not your responsibility for your brothers’ purity; what does Scripture have to say about that selfish statement? Romans 14:13 makes very clear we are to “decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother,” which most certainly includes the way that we dress. Adorning ourselves with “respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control” (1 Timothy 2:9) should be such a high priority in our lives. We hold a world of control in the palm of our hands and with it we can choose to flaunt ourselves, to appease the eyes of men in order to win their momentary approval, or we can choose to honor our Creator, who gave us our bodies to begin with, and seek to protect the minds of our fellow brothers, who have enough sexual struggles without the aid of our scantily clad cries for attention. Robinson says, “Modesty is love for your brothers in Christ in not causing them to sin, honoring your husband in saving those intimate things for just you and him, and obedience to God because He is the source of your self-worth, not the passing looks of lustful men.” The men who are only attracted to the shallowness of low-cut shirts, tight jeans, and short shorts are not the kind of men we as daughters of the King should want holding our hearts anyway. More than anything, I want you to understand all we do should be done for the sake of the Gospel. Since the Almighty God crushed His Son so we can have life, it should be our ultimate goal to heed to 1 Corinthians 10:31, doing all things for the glory of God. Will you be willing to jeopardize losing the eyes of men for the favor of the King?

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